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Separation Anxiety: Part 1

15 Jun

I remember laying in the bed late at night and I felt like was dreaming and I had to go to the bathroom. All of a sudden it felt like a little was seeping out and I thought “I am too old to wet the bed!” So I got up and went to the bathroom. As I finished and I was about to wash my hands there was a big (sorry so graphic) gush of fluid…my water broke! I yelled out “your son is coming!” I waddled into the bedroom, called the doctor and proceeded to pack a bag. No, my bag was not packed because I was going into labor six weeks early. On the way to the hospital my water broke AGAIN!

Once I got to the hospital things went pretty smoothly until it was time to push. The doctor came in, halfway through, and saw that there was another water pocket obstructing the path for my son to come out. Once that was broken I gave one good push and he slid out.  When my placenta did not come easily the doctor informed me that it was attached to my uterine wall. The nurses took a couple of pictures my me and my baby and I was taken up to surgery to have my placenta separated from my uterus. When I came back down my baby was not in the room and I was half delusional as I was being told that my son had complications and had to be taken to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and I would only be able to see him for a few minutes before they took him. They brought him in a big incubator with a lot of wires connected and not two minutes after they rolled him in alarms started ringing and they had to take him away.

Not two hours after giving birth I was left in the hospital room by myself with no baby.